Smoothie Jane Lawson Smoothie Jane Lawson

Banana & almond protein smoothie

This is one of my favourite breakfast smoothies, it’s quick, easy and the perfect if you need breakfast on the go or before exercise. I often make one on a Saturday or Sunday morning to keep me going until brunch as it’s just the right amount of energy I need to do a workout without feeling too full.

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  • 250ml nut milk or organic whole

  • 1/2 banana (70g)

  • 1 tbsp chia seeds 

  • 1 tbsp almond (or any nut) butter


  • If you’re using a plant milk, check the label to make sure there are only two ingredients in it: nuts and water! Many contain hidden emulsifiers, preservatives, seed oils and sugar.

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Vegan, Sweet Jane Lawson Vegan, Sweet Jane Lawson

Vegan hazelnut brownies



Makes one 23 x 23 cm tray

  • 1 medium sized sweet potato, 230g roasted - weigh out once cooked

  • 350g medjool dates

  • 4 tbsp almond butter

  • 2 tbsp coconut oil

  • 7 tbsp maple syrup or honey

  • 9 tbsp raw cacao powder

  • 100g hazelnuts, toasted and bashed roughly with the end of a rolling pin

  • 100g dark chocolate


  • Preheat the oven to 180ºc and line a cm tin with parchment.

  • Put the sweet potato on a tray and roast for approx 30-40 minutes until soft and squishy right through.

  • Next put about 1/4 of the dates, coconut oil, maple syrup and almond butter in a food processor and start to blitz, after 30 seconds add the rest of the dates one at a time. Doing this slowly means your processor won’t get clogged up.

  • Then add the sweet potato, blend again until really smooth and spoon in the cacao continuing to blitz.

  • Once the mixture is smooth, stir in the hazelnuts and scrape into the baking tray. Bake for 20 minutes on the middle shelf.

  • Once cooled, melt the dark chocolate in the microwave - I do 1 min on 600W and repeat 2-3 times, stirring in between. Then pour over the brownie base and set in the fridge for 20-30 min.


  • I like to keep these in the fridge so they stay firm

This is my new favourite healthy treat - I’m currently working my way through the entire tray! But, unlike ‘normal’ brownies, they keep really well in the fridge, so I don’t have to eat them all in 2 days. I reckon they’ll last about 2 weeks as they stay just as squishy as when they were first baked.

The other great thing about these brownies is that they’re full of nutrients, they’re not ‘empty’ calories. I’ve used almonds, dates, sweet potato, raw cacao and hazelnuts - so they’re packed with protein and fibre. You could literally eat one pre or post workout to give yourself an energy boost. Personally I like one with a cuppa in the afternoon and then another cheeky slice after dinner!

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Salads, Vegan Jane Lawson Salads, Vegan Jane Lawson

Mango noodle salad with sesame & ginger

Thai summer noodles1.jpg

I love this salad; it’s crunchy, spicy, tasty and healthy! Perfect on it’s own or make it as a BBQ side to go with soy and honey marinated chicken, salmon or tofu. Try and keep a portion to have for the next day, it’s a great one to have for lunch.


  • 200g brown rice noodles 

  • 100g red cabbage, thinly sliced

  • 1 carrot, julienned for spiralised

  • 1/2 pepper, cut into thin strips

  • 1 small or 1/2 large spring onion, chopped finely

  • 1 red birds eye chilli, chopped finely

  • 1 handful of salted peanuts, chopped

  • 2 tbsp toasted sesame seeds & handful of coriander leaves, optional


  • 3 tbsp rapeseed oil

  • 1 tbsp sesame oil

  • 1 slice or 5g fresh ginger grated

  • 1/2 garlic clove, grated

  • 3 tsp honey

  • Juice of 1 lime

Thai summer noodles2.jpg


  • First cook your noodles as per the pack instructions - I soaked mine in boiling water for 15 mins (a few minutes longer than the instructions) - then drain and drizzle with sesame oil to stop them sticking.

  • Chop your veggies and put to one side in a large bowl.

  • Next mix your dressing ingredients well in a jar or shaker.

  • Add the noodles to the veggies and pour over about 3/4 of the dressing, mix well.

  • Serve in bowls and sprinkle over the peanuts and the other toppings if you’re using them.

  • Add more dressing if needed.


  • If you make this to take to work or eat for lunch over a few days, keep each component separated: noodles drizzled with a little sesame oil to stop them sticking; chopped veggies; dressing; peanuts and sesame; and coriander leaves. Mix together just before serving or in the morning if you’re packing lunch for later.

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Breakfast, Vegan Jane Lawson Breakfast, Vegan Jane Lawson

Speedy brunch: avocado, tomato & mushrooms on sourdough

I made this for lunch today with basically what was left in my fridge and thought it would be perfect for a weekend brunch too - add an egg / veggie sausage / bacon or even feta depending on how hungry you are.

Avo, tom, mushroom toast.JPG


  • 1-2 slices toasted sourdough

  • 6 cherry tomatoes

  • 3-4 mushrooms, sliced

  • 1/2 small clove garlic, grated

  • 1/2 avocado, mashed

  • Squeeze of lemon

  • Pinch of cayenne

  • Small handful of toasted pumpkin seeds

  • Salt & pepper


  • Mash the avocado with the lemon juice, cayenne and season.

  • Fry the tomatoes and mushrooms in a hot pan with a little olive or rapeseed oil until softened and browned, turn down the heat then add the garlic for a couple of minutes, set aside.

  • Toast the sourdough half way through cooking the veggies.

  • Assemble: toast + avocado + tomato & mushrooms + pumpkin seeds + extra squeeze of lemon

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Vegan, Sauces / dips / sides Jane Lawson Vegan, Sauces / dips / sides Jane Lawson

Coconut & lime quinoa

This makes a great alternative to rice in tacos or with my Vegan Protein Chilli. It’s super simple and full of nutrients as quinoa is protein rich (making up 15% of the grain), B vitamins, magnesium and iron. I’ve used tri-coloured quinoa here, but you could use any single colour if you prefer.


Ingredients, serves 4 as a side

  • 200g quinoa

  • 1 x 400ml tin coconut milk

  • 1/2 lime, zest and juice

  • 3/4 tsp sea salt


  • Start by rinsing the quinoa throughly to get rid of all the husky bits and also the bitter earthly flavour that you get if you just cook it straight from the packet.

  • I put the quinoa in a pan and cover with lukewarm water, swizzle with my hand, allow to settle and drain as much water off as I can without pouring the quinoa down the drain. I find this easier than passing through a sieve. Repeat a further 3 times until the water runs clear and there are hardly any bits in the water.

  • Keep the wet quinoa in the pan and don’t worry about draining all the water off, there will be some left. Add 1/2 teaspoon sea salt, the coconut milk - use a little water to rinse out the tin and pour in as well.

  • Simmer for 25 minutes.

  • Add 1/4 tsp sea salt, lime zest & juice

Coconut quinoa with vegan chilli, coconut yoghurt, avocado & homemade tortilla chips

Coconut quinoa with vegan chilli, coconut yoghurt, avocado & homemade tortilla chips

Shown here with vegan bean chilli, avocado, coconut yoghurt & homemade tortilla chips.

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Vegan, Vegetarian Jane Lawson Vegan, Vegetarian Jane Lawson

Spicy Spanish style chickpeas

I’m a big fan of chickpeas, they’re one pulse that everyone seems to be able to get on board with - or am I in my little veggie bubble here?!

This is a really versatile dish which is great with lots of different combinations, I like to make a big pan so I can freeze a couple of portions and eat the rest over a few days.

I’ve used pimento and chipotle chilli to give a Spanish flavour as I always imagine eating this kind of thing as part of a tapas style meal. Although they’re still delicious eaten quite simply with sourdough and feta or yoghurt as you can see from our lunch here.


Serves 4-6 for lunch or 8 as part of a mezze

  • 1 large or 2 medium red onions, sliced in thin half moons

  • 200g sweet potato, chopped in 1cm cubes

  • 1 large clove garlic, grated

  • 1.5 tsp pimento

  • 1 tsp chipotle chilli flakes

  • 2 x 400g tinned tomatoes

  • 2 x 400g tinned chickpeas, drained

  • 2 tsp maple, honey or brown sugar

  • 1.5 tsp red wine or cider vinegar

  • 1 tsp sea salt



  • Heat about 2 tbsp of olive oil in a large pan then add the onions and sweet potato. Cook on a low heat for about 20 minutes until all the veggies are softened.

  • Next add the garlic and cook for 2 minutes before adding the pimento and chilli, stir and warm through for a further 2 minutes.

  • Pour in the tomatoes and chickpeas, then simmer for 25 minutes with the lid on, stirring regularly.

  • Add the maple or honey, vinegar and salt, and simmer for another 10 minutes. Add a tbsp or two of water if the sauce becomes too dry.


  • This is a really versatile dish and is great with sourdough and feta, or you could add a blob or Greek or coconut yoghurt instead (I like Coconut Collaborative best).

  • The chickpeas also work really well in a wrap or pitta with grilled halloumi and salad. I took them to my friend’s last weekend and we had them with a lovely fig, spinach, feta and toasted almond salad which worked so well.

  • Another idea would be to make some tortilla chips (just lightly brush a wrap with oil, chop into triangles and bake for a few minutes in the oven at 180ºc) and serve with yoghurt, a pinch of paprika and some homemade slaw (as pictured below).

  • You can sub the sweet potato for red pepper if you prefer and cook in the same way.

Spanish chickpeas:tortilla.JPG
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Sweet Jane Lawson Sweet Jane Lawson

Honey flapjack

Switching golden syrup for honey in flapjacks has been a game-changer for me as the flavour is so much better. I realise that this is a more expensive way of making them, so you could always cut the cost a little by going 50:50. This recipe makes a big tray though, so they will last a while (in theory!). I froze half to: a/ stop me eating it all, b/stop anybody else eating it all so I could save some for packed lunches. That way you have a little stock of sweet treats hidden away when there’s nothing else in the cupboard.


Makes a large 21x32cm tray, but you could halve the ingredients to fit 20x20cm

  • 400g unsalted butter

  • 400g demerara sugar

  • 400g honey

  • 800g porridge oats



  • Preheat the oven to 180 °c and line the tray with baking parchment.

  • Melt the butter, sugar and honey in a large pan, stirring to mix well.

  • Add the oats and stir well to combine.

  • Scrape the ingredients into the tray and pack down fairly tightly, I use a cake slice to flatten the mix down.

  • Bake for 15-20 minutes, you’re looking for a golden colour with slightly browned edges. The flapjack should still feel quite soft when it comes out of the oven if you want it to be chewy not crunchy like me.


  • If you scrunch the baking parchment into a ball first and then open up it’s much easier to line you tray with it.

  • I’ve used demerara sugar to give the flapjacks a little crunch, but you can always switch to normal caster if you don’t have it.

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Vegan, Vegetarian Jane Lawson Vegan, Vegetarian Jane Lawson

Miso sesame stir fry

I’m always trying to create the perfect stir fry and it’s fair to say I’ve had many a fail! The main problems have been over-cooked veggies and not enough sauce! I think stir fries can be a little tricky to get right as it’s all about the prep and timing. You really have to think about how to get everything cooked at the same time. So the key to a good stir fry is mise en place: all your ingredients out in front of you ready to go. That includes part cooking any veggies that will take too long to fry. This recipe is my version of a stir fry as I’ve cooked the veggies and tofu separately from the sauce and just drizzled it over in the bowls. But if you prefer to add the sauce to the veggies etc at the end and gently warm through, you can do that too.

Miso sesame tofu2.JPG


Serves 4

  • 280g firm tofu (this is the packet size of Tofoo, you can adjust a bit), chopped in cubes or 1 chicken breast, salted chopped into small slices

  • 3 spring onions, 1cm diagonal slices

  • 3 small carrots, chopped into thin batons

  • 1/2 head of broccoli, florets separated and then cut each one into 3-4 thin slices

  • 350g jasmine rice

  • 3-4 tbsp sesame seeds

  • Groundnut or rapeseed oil

Miso & sesame sauce

  • 1 thumb ginger, grated

  • 1 large garlic clove, grated

  • 2 tbsp white miso

  • 4 tbsp tahini

  • 2 tbsp honey, start with 1.5 and add the rest if you want it sweeter

  • 4 tbsp rice vinegar

  • 2 tbsp sesame oil

  • 2 tbsp sunflower oil

  • Approx 4-6 tbsp water


  • First, prep! Chop all the veggies and whichever protein you’re using.

  • Mix all the sauce ingredients together apart from the water (I had to use a hand blender as my tahini had separated and was quite lumpy). Add the water gradually to get a consistency of runny honey, set aside.

  • Rinse the rice well and cook as per the instructions and leave in the pan with the lid on once ready.

  • Steam the carrots and broccoli for 4-5 minutes so they are part cooked with a little crunch.

  • Dry toast the sesame seeds in a small frying pan and tip into a bowl to cool. Then heat a little groundnut or rapeseed oil in the same pan and pour a good drizzle of groundnut or rapeseed oil into a wok and put on a med-high heat.

  • Once the oil is hot in both pans add the tofu or chicken to the little pan and the veggies to the wok. I prefer to separate them as I find the ingredients start to steam rather than brown if the pan is too crowded, but you could cook the tofu or meat in the wok first and then set aside in a warm lidded bowl if you want to use one pan.

  • Keep the veggies on a high heat and keep stirring so they brown on different sides. Same goes for the tofu and both should should take about 5 minutes to cook through and colour. If you’re using meat it may take a couple of minutes more - a meat thermometer is the safest way to check.

  • Turn off both pans and tip the tofu or meat into the veggies. Briefly warm the sauce in the small pan, but don’t leave it for long, it just needs a couple of minutes.

  • Serve adding the rice, then veggies, then protein. Drizzle over the sauce using a tablespoon and sprinkle over the sesame seeds to finish.


  • Choose 3 types of veggie and one protein when doing a stir fry or you’ll end up with too many ingredients and probably an over cooked soggy mess!

  • You can choose whichever brand of tofu you prefer, I like Tofoo as it’s firm and tastier than some other brands.

Miso sesame tofu3.JPG
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Salads, Vegetarian Jane Lawson Salads, Vegetarian Jane Lawson

Orzo, roast tomato & broccoli salad with pesto

This is a quick and easy salad that can be eaten warm or cold, so it’s a good one to make all year round. I also like to add a little cheese to this dish by crumbling over some feta or grilling 2-3 slices of halloumi;. It goes really well with roast chicken, pan fried fish or even chickpeas roasted in a pan with a little olive oil, salt and a squeeze of lemon.

Orzo courgette tomato.jpg


Serves 4-6

  • 1 head broccoli, chopped into florets

  • 400g cherry tomatoes, halved

  • 1 tbsp rapeseed or olive oil

  • 350g orzo

  • 20g toasted almond flakes

  • 2 tbsp any kind of pesto - I made some myself, but you can use jarred or fresh ready made from the supermarket.


    Makes enough for this recipe plus 4 servings with pasta

  • 90g basil - or wild garlic when it’s in season (March/April)

  • 1 small clove garlic (but don’t add if you’re using wild garlic!)

  • 2 tbsp lemon juice (approx juice of 1 lemon)

  • 6 tbsp olive oil

  • 60g pine nuts

  • 15g parmesan, chopped roughly

  • 1/2 tsp sea salt


  • Preheat the oven to 180°c

  • First make the pesto by putting all the ingredients into a food processor and blitzing until they form a loose paste-like texture. If the parmesan isn’t grated add this first and blitz, followed by the pine nuts and repeat, then add the rest of the ingredients. You don’t want it too smooth though as pesto isn’t a purée!

  • Next put the veggies on a large tray so they have plenty of space and drizzle with the oil, sprinkle with salt and mix well. Roast for 12 mins, then turn the broccoli and put back in the oven for a further 5-8 minutes so it has started to brown a little on the other side, but still has a bit of a bite.

  • While the veggies are roasting, cook the orzo as per the packet instructions - usually boil for 10 mins - then drain thoroughly and stir in the pesto.

  • Spoon the orzo and veggies on to a serving plate, season and sprinkle with toasted almonds.

  • Serve straightaway if you want the salad warm. Otherwise leave to cool and eat at room temperature.


  • All salads taste better when eaten at room temperature, rather than chilled, so remember to take it out of the fridge about an hour or so before eating.

  • Try adding some sliced avocado if you’re eating it at room temperature.

  • A drizzle of posh balsamic or balsamic glaze (same sweet tangy flavour as the posh, but way cheaper!) would also work well.

  • Make the pesto a day or so ahead so you cut down on the prep time. Pesto stores really well in the fridge for 7 days or freezes for up to 3 months and this recipe will give you enough to add to another meal at least, so it’s a good one to make ahead and save time in the kitchen later. I love to roast a tray of mixed vegetables and add a few dollops of pesto or it’s great added to risotto as a flavour boost at the end.

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Breakfast, Vegan Jane Lawson Breakfast, Vegan Jane Lawson

Super seed coconut protein balls

In the interests of healthy snacking I decided to make these today. I’ve noted how you can switch the ingredients to work with what you have in the cupboard so hopefully you can make your own version. Mine were a mix mash of lots of things as you’ll see!



Makes 24 falafel sized balls

  • 400g dates

  • 50g sunflower seeds

  • 50g pumpkin seeds

  • 100g desiccated coconut

  • 4 tbsp cacao (or coco powder)

  • 2 tbsp coconut oil

  • 2 tbsp peanut butter (or any nut butter, smooth or crunchy)


  • Spread the desiccated coconut on a plate or tray.

  • Use a mini ice cream scoop to measure out and shape the balls by pressing them into the coconut.

  • A tablespoon will also work fine if you don’t have a scoop.

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Vegan, Vegetarian Jane Lawson Vegan, Vegetarian Jane Lawson

Creamy aubergine & tomato spaghetti

This is a classic combination that makes a great family friendly vegetarian dish - as the kids can pick out the aubergine . I’m hoping that one day, after feeding this to them 500 times, they might start trying it… who knows … anyway for now it’s one dish we can all enjoy in our various ways!

🌱Vegan option: replace the crème fraîche with @oatly cream, it tastes amazing!


  • 2 aubergines, cut into 1 cm slices

  • 2 large cloves garlic, minced

  • 2 tins 400g plum tomatoes

  • 2 tbsp crème fraîche or Oatly cream

  • Handful fresh basil, stalks chopped, leaves ripped and set aside

  • 350g spaghetti

  • 200g feta, crumbled



  • Preheat the oven to 180°c.

  • Lightly drizzle the tray with rapeseed or olive oil and spread out the aubergine slices evenly.

  • Drizzle the top side of the aubergine and sprinkle with sea salt.

  • Place in the oven 30-35 minutes until golden brown, turning halfway to colour both sides.

  • While the aubergine is roasting, heat a couple of lugs of olive oil in a wide bottomed pan and add the garlic, allow to gently brown without burning.

  • Pour in the tomatoes and heat through, add the basil stalks and turn down to a simmer for 20 minutes.

  • Cook the spaghetti while the sauce simmers.

  • Add the cooked aubergines to the tomatoes and cook for 5 minutes and then spoon in the crème fraîche and basil leaves. Warm through adding 1/2 tsp sea salt and a good grind of pepper, plus some dried chilli flakes if you want a bit of spice.



Alternative vegan option: just leave out the crème fraîche and add a little balsamic vinegar to the sauce at the end, cook for 5 mins and sprinkle toasted pine nuts on top to serve.

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Breakfast Jane Lawson Breakfast Jane Lawson

Poached egg with guacamole toast

This is one of my go-to lunches any day of the week and it’s a good one to make if you’re working from home at the moment. It’s quick, easy and nutritious so you can’t really go wrong. As long as you have the right bread (I like a sourdough doorstep) and don’t over cook your egg, it’s never going to disappoint. I’m not reinventing the wheel here, but it’s a useful basic to have in your back pocket!


Serves 2

  • 2 slices of sourdough or wholegrain toast

  • 2-4 eggs

  • 1 avocado

  • 5 cherry tomatoes, quartered

  • 1 thin slice of red onion, or 1/2 spring onion, chopped finely

  • Juice of 1/4 lemon

  • Pinch of cayenne

  • Salt & pepper



  • Slice the bread and place in the toaster ready to go

  • Boil a pan of salted water and reduce to a simmer.

  • Prep the avocado - mix all the ingredients together mashing the avocado a bit as you go. Just enough to break it up, don’t puree it!

  • Put the toast on.

  • Place each egg (shell on) gently in the hot water for just 10 seconds to help keep the shape when you poach it. If you have very fresh eggs you probably don’t need to do this.

  • Remove the eggs and crack each one gently into the pan, allowing enough space for them to float separately - I usually don’t cook more than a couple at a time.

  • Cook for 2 - 2 1/2 minutes to get a perfect yolk - no longer!

  • At the same time, get the toast on to your plate, spoon on the guacamole mix and top with the egg. Sat and pepper to taste

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Vegetarian Jane Lawson Vegetarian Jane Lawson

Crunchy cauliflower mac ‘n’ cheese with garlic breadcrumbs

I have to admit that I’d consigned mac ‘n’ cheese to a kid-only carb fest a good few years ago, but I after revisiting this classic combo I might just have changed my mind. My main motivation was to trick the kids into eating cauliflower, but I’m also trying to build a stock of recipes for my eldest to cook at uni. Questionable success on the former, let’s see about the latter - I’ve sent him a dish, a whisk, scales and a measuring jug.

So despite not really intending to eat this mac n cheese I actually surprised myself by really enjoying it! Good to know that I like to eat my own dishes eh?! It’s not that I have anything against mac ‘n’ cheese, but having eaten it a lot over the years I guess I just wasn’t feeling that excited about it. However, after adding roasted cauliflower and a crunchy topping I’m a born again fan.



Serves 6, or 8-10 as a side

  • 1 med cauliflower, chopped into florets

  • 2 tbsp rapeseed or olive oil

  • 350g macaroni

    Cheese sauce

  • 60g butter

  • 60g flour

  • 900ml milk

  • 200g mature cheddar cheese, grated

  • 1tsp sea salt

    Bread crumbs

  • 100g bread crumbs - see tip below on how to make them yourself

  • 1 small clove garlic, grated

  • 20g parmesan, grated

  • 50g mature cheddar, grated


  • If you haven’t got the bread crumbs ready to go, then prep them first - scroll down to my Tips section on how to make them quickly.

  • Preheat the oven to 180ºc

  • Put the cauliflower florets on a tray, drizzle with the oil and place in the oven for 15 minutes. Check and turn putting them back in the oven for a further 5 minutes. Once they’re cooked through, but not too soft, slice the florets into small pieces so you don’t get big chunks in the final dish.

  • Mix the minced garlic into the bread crumbs, using your (clean!) hands to really make sure it is spread evenly then add the parmesan and grated cheddar.

  • Cook the macaroni as per the packet instructions, drain and set to one side. I rinse mine under cold water to stop it over cooking and to get rid of some of the starch so it’s less sticky. Once it has drained properly, put the cooled pasta into a large (approx 35x25cm) oven-proof dish and mix in the cauliflower.

  • While the pasta is cooking make the cheese sauce; use a non-stick pan and a silicone whisk if you have one to prevent lumps, but a non-metal spoon or spatula will do otherwise - you’ll just need to stir a bit faster!

  • First add the butter to the pan, melt and then tip in the flour, whisk thoroughly and allow to warm through for a minute.

  • Here is where you need to do things quickly as the roux will thicken up rapidly each time you add more milk, but don’t panic, you can almost always whisk out the lumps at each stage if you’re vigorous enough. Start pouring the milk in slowly, 50ml at a time at first so you don’t get lots of splashing as you whisk it in. Quickly add the next 50ml and repeat until you’ve got to about 300ml and then you can start adding 100ml at a time. Once you’ve poured in all the milk leave on a low heat for 15-20 minutes to cook through and get rid of the floury taste, but whisk or stir regularly so the bottom doesn’t stick and cause lumps.

  • Add the grated cheese and salt; stir, allow to melt and then pour over the pasta mixing well.

  • Spread the bread crumbs evenly over the top and put in the oven for 20 minutes until the top is browned


  • I like to make my own bread crumbs by dry out a few slices of sourdough that are a bit past their best, so they don’t get wasted. You can leave them out on the side for a few hours, or speed up the process by breaking them up on a tray and placing in a low 50ºc oven for 20 minutes. Remember you don’t want them browned, just dried out. Then leave to cool and harden. I like to smash them up in a bag or teacloth with a rolling pin as you get a more varied texture than in a food processor. For this recipe just dry out 100g - about 2 slices.

  • When roasting any vegetables, I always open the oven (just an inch) after about 10-12 minutes to let out excess steam so that they brown more easily. Your oven might be better at venting the steam out, so this might not be necessary, but double check one time when you’re roasting high water content ingredients like veggies. I always get a face full of steam! I usually repeat this once more.

  • You can prep the cheese sauce earlier in the day to save time later, but make sure you place a piece of buttered clingfilm or baking parchment directly on top to prevent a skin forming. When you reheat, stir regularly to keep it smooth.

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Vegan, Vegetarian Jane Lawson Vegan, Vegetarian Jane Lawson

Vegan mixed bean chilli

Anyone who visited The Little Bookshop in Leeds is likely to have seen or tried this recipe as it was a really popular dish on the menu. Sadly as it’s unlikely that I’ll be able to serve you in person anytime soon, I thought it would be nice to share the recipe so you can make it at home.

It’s great to make in a big batch like this one and freeze some or have with different things to save time in the kitchen during the week. I really like a recipe that is super versatile, so you can eat it again and it’s not just left overs, but a whole different meal.

You can try serving it with classic brown basmati rice (spiked with toasted cumin seeds), paprika roasted squash or sweet potato wedges, guacamole, baked potato, coconut quinoa (photo below) feta and/or yoghurt (vegan coconut goes especially well). You can also make a wrap with avocado, feta, rice and a little yoghurt, or a quesadilla with plenty of cheese and rice.

Let me know in the comments below if you make it, I love to hear that people are enjoying my recipes.


  • 3 medium (or 2 large) onions, small dice

  • 3 mixed peppers (yellow, orange or red, no nasty green), same size as the onions

  • 2 large cloves of garlic, grated

  • 1.5 tsp smoked paprika

  • 1 tsp cumin

  • 1 tsp coriander

  • 1 tsp dried chill flakes (or 2 if you like it hot!)

  • 3 x 400g tins tomatoes

  • 4 x 400g tins beans (whatever kind you prefer, but make sure one is kidney)

  • 30g fresh coriander, leaves chopped roughly and stalks chopped finely

  • 1 tbsp maple syrup or honey

  • 1 tbsp cider vinegar (or any kind apart from malt!)

  • Juice of 1 lime, plus another chopped into wedges

Bean chilli 2.jpg


  • Heat a couple of lugs of olive oil in a large wide bottomed pan, add the onions and peppers.

  • Cook on a medium heat to allow the water to steam out of the veggies, but don’t let them burn, turn the heat down if they begin to stick.

  • Stir on and off for 20-25 minutes until the onions are just beginning to colour (to add extra flavour) then add the garlic and cook for a further 2 minutes.

  • Next add the ground spices and stir for a minute to warm then through (and release their flavour) before pouring in the chopped tomatoes plus 1/2 a tin of water, all the beans and then the coriander stalks. Allow to gently bubble away for 25 minutes without the lid on, but keep an eye on it and put it on if the chilli begins to dry out or stick. You can always add a little water if needed.

  • Lastly add the maple and vinegar and allow to bubble for a further 5-10 minutes without the lid on. Sir in the juice from 1 lime and save the rest for serving. Chop the other lime into wedges as well.

Bean chilli 1.JPG


When you add the water fill one tin 1/2 way and swirl in each one to get all the tomato juice out.

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Vegan, Sauces / dips / sides Jane Lawson Vegan, Sauces / dips / sides Jane Lawson

Pea, broadbean & avocado dip

This is one of my fave spring / summer dips to make. It’s light, fresh, soooo green and always seems to be the star of any plate or spread. Everyone always loves it and the good news is that it’s another easy one to whip up quickly.


  • 200g frozen broad beans

  • 200g frozen peas

  • 1 avocado, mashed roughly

  • 10 mint leaves

  • 15 basil leaves

  • 4 tbsp olive oil

  • 2 tbsp lemon juice

  • 1/2 tsp sea salt

  • A good few grinds of black pepper

Pea, broadbean dip.JPG


  • Cook the broad beans in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then take off the heat and pour in the peas. Let then stand for 2 minutes until the peas have defrosted.

  • Drain well and put in a food processor along with the rest of the ingredients, except the avocado. Blitz until you have the texture you want, I like mine to be a little rough so I don’t mix it for too long, but if you keep going you’ll get more of a puree.

  • While you’re blitzing the peas, scoop out the avocado into a medium sized bowl and mash leaving a few chunks for texture.

  • Scrape out the mixture from the food processor into the avocado and mix well.

  • Serve!

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Sauces / dips / sides Jane Lawson Sauces / dips / sides Jane Lawson

Yorkshire puddings

The is the ONLY Yorkshire pudding recipe that has ever worked for me! I found it on BBC Good Food a while ago to my great relief as not being able to make a decent Yorkshire is somewhat of an embarrassment for a ‘proper’ Yorkshire lass.


Makes 12 muffin cases or 8 pudding sized

  • 140g plain flour

  • 4 eggs

  • 200ml milk

  • sunflower oil, for cooking

Yorkshire puddings.jpg


  • Set the oven to 230°c fan.

  • Drizzle the oil into the tins, making sure there is enough to just cover the bottom of each mould. Place in the oven for 5-10 minutes to get very hot.

  • Make the batter by measuring the flour into a large bowl, add the eggs and whisk to a thick paste. I use a mixer to save my arm going dead.

  • Add the milk gradually and mix until smooth.

  • Pour into the tins and place in the oven for 20-25 minutes.


  • Once they’re cooked, you can freeze them for a month

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Salads, Vegan Jane Lawson Salads, Vegan Jane Lawson

Roasted carrot & quinoa salad with wilted spinach & dukkah

Quinoa, carrot, dukkah.jpg


Serves 6-8

  • 180g quinoa, cooked as per the packet instructions - usually rinse well until the water runs clear and then simmer for 20 minutes

  • 5 carrots or approx 300g, chopped in thick batons

  • 2 red onions, sliced in half moons

  • 6 tbsp olive oil

  • 1 tbsp white wine vinegar or lemon juice

  • 2 1/2 tbsp dukkah spice mix (recipe linked here)

  • 2 handfuls of spinach

  • Handful of parsley or coriander to serve, optional

  • 200g crumbled feta, optional


  • Preheat the oven to 180°c.

  • Cook the quinoa and add 1 tbsp of dukkah spice mix to the water, then drain and put back in the pan with the lid on to keep warm.

  • Put the carrots and onions on a large tray, or split between two so you have space between all the veggies to allow them to roast and brown rather than steam. Drizzle with 2 tbsp olive oil and sprinkle over 1 tbsp of dukkah, then mix to coat well. Place in the oven.

  • After 15 minutes check the veggies and turn to brown on the other side. Cook for a further 8-10 minutes.

  • Meanwhile get a large serving dish and spread out the spinach.

  • Mix the remaining 4 tbsp olive oil and lemon juice (or vinegar) into the drained quinoa and then spoon about 1/3 on to the serving dish covering the spinach. Add a scattering of carrots and onions, then repeat until you’ve used everything up.

  • You can sprinkle in the herbs while you’re layering or just add a handful on top to finish with the last 1/2 tbsp of dukkah.

  • I also love to top this salad with feta as it’s creamy saltiness goes so well and makes it a complete lunch. If you’re vegan you could add some toasted sunflower or pumpkin seeds for extra protein instead.

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Vegan, Sauces / dips / sides Jane Lawson Vegan, Sauces / dips / sides Jane Lawson

Romesco sauce

Romesco is such versatile sauce that you can make a tub and keep in the fridge to add to lots of different things. It’s great with any roasted vegetable: especially cauliflower and aubergine, grilled meat or fish, halloumi wraps or other sandwiches, bread or crackers as a dip, roast potatoes, crudités… do you need me to go on?!

It’s dead easy to make and delivers a big smoky sweet flavour hit - which in my book makes romesco a winning addition to your plate.


Makes enough for 6-8 to share with a portion of veggies, fish or meat

  • 2 red peppers (from a jar)

  • 1 tsp smoked paprika

  • 1 small clove garlic

  • 60g breadcrumbs

  • 60g ground almonds

  • 1 1/2 tbsp red wine vinegar

  • 80-90ml water - depending on how thick you like the sauce 

  • 1/4 tsp table salt

  • 50g toasted flaked almonds, optional to serve scattered on top - they look nice and add crunch!!


  • Put all the ingredients, except the water and toasted flaked almonds, into a food processor.

  • Add only 70ml of water at first and then increase if needed - if some of the red pepper water has gone into the mix, you probably won’t need as much.

  • Blitz until you have a rough paste.

  • Store in an air tight container for up to 10 days.


  • I like to roast a whole cauliflower to serve with romesco or pan fried sea bas with mini roast potatoes and salad.

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Vegetarian Jane Lawson Vegetarian Jane Lawson

Roast tomato & red pepper risotto with garlic ciabatta



Serves 4-6

  • 300g cherry tomatoes

  • 1 red pepper

  • 1 onion, chopped finely

  • 1 stick celery, chopped finely

  • 1 clove garlic, grated

  • 15g fresh basil, stalks finely chopped / leaves torn

  • 1 glass of white wine

  • 350g risotto rice

  • 900ml vegetable stock

  • 40g parmesan, finely grated

  • 1 tbsp unsalted butter

  • ¾ tsp sea salt

    Garlic ciabatta

  • ½ ciabatta loaf, cut into about 6 slices slices

  • 20g unsalted butter, room temperature

  • 1 small clove garlic, grated

  • pinch sea salt

  • chopped chives, optional


  • Preheat the oven to 180°C

  • Chop the cherry tomatoes in half and spread out on a baking tray, drizzle with olive or rapeseed oil. Bake for 20 minutes until starting to brown on the tray. After you take them out make sure you scrape the tray to loosen all the brown caramelisation to use later.

  • Put the whole red pepper on some tin foil and place under a hot grill and blacken on all sides - this should take about 12-15 minutes, turning every 2-3. Wrap in the foil once cooked and leave to cool for 5 minutes, then peel, deseed and chop or tear into ½ cm wide strips.

  • While the tomatoes and pepper are cooking, chop the onion, celery and basil stalks then add a glug of olive oil to a wide low sided pan and cook gently for around 10 minutes or until soft, but not browned.

  • Add the garlic and cook for 1 minute.

  • Warm the stock on the hob or microwave.

  • Next add the risotto rice to the onion mix and stir well to coat, turn the heat up a little and pour in the wine. Let the rice sizzle until the alcohol has burnt off - about 2/3 minutes.

  • Now turn the heat down and start to add the stock one ladle at a time, stirring well to combine. The rice will need to cook for 20 minutes, but after 12 minutes add the roasted tomatoes (don’t forget the tasty tray scrapings!) and red pepper strips.

  • Get the garlic bread prepped while the risotto is cooking. Mix the garlic into the butter with a fork and spread on once side of each slice. Place on a baking tray and put in a 180°C oven for 6-8 minutes, or place under a hot grill (non buttered side first) for a couple of minutes a side.

  • Keep adding the rest of the stock and then finish by stirring in the butter, basil leaves and 2/3 of the parmesan, reserving the last bit to sprinkle on top to serve. You could artfully place a few pretty basil leaves on top too if you’re feeling flash :-)

  • Serve with a green salad, garlic bread and a glass of chilled Albariño.


  • A note about stock - if I’m using a cube then I will double the amount of water recommended on the pack, so for this recipe I just used one cube for one litre of water. Otherwise you’ll end up tasting the stock cube rather than it being a savoury back note.

  • I don’t always want to open a bottle of wine just for cooking, so I keep a bottle of Sherry or Vermouth in the cupboard to use for risotto. It doesn’t go off like wine, so you can just use a glass as and when you need it.

  • To make the risotto vegan, you could use non-dairy butter and add a tablespoon of nutritional yeast and or a little oat cream instead of cheese. Top with toasted pine nuts or pumpkin seeds.

  • I use a Microplane or fine grater for the cheese and garlic.

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Vegan, Sauces / dips / sides Jane Lawson Vegan, Sauces / dips / sides Jane Lawson

Vegan slaw

I love this vegan mayo as it tastes so much lighter than regular. You can use any combination of veggies, these are just the ones I happened to have in my fridge. The mayo is simple to make, but you’ll need to get some silken tofu, hopefully you’ll have the rest in your cupboard, but if not everything else is pretty easy to pick up. If you’d prefer to go classic you could mix regular mayo with a bit of mustard, grated garlic and vinegar (any kind you have) or lemon juice to let it down a bit.

As you’ll see from the pictures below we had our slaw with Spanish chickpea stew (recipe coming soon) and home made tortilla chips, t’was a nice summer plate.


Serves 4

  • 1/4 red cabbage

  • 1/4 cauliflower

  • 1/2 red pepper

  • 1/4 green pepper

  • 1/4 red onion

  • 1/4 white cabbage)

  • A couple of handfuls of peas and edamame


  • Chop the cabbage, peppers and red onion finely using a food processor, mandolin or knife.

Vegan mayo


  • 350g silken tofu 

  • 140ml olive oil

  • 1 small clove garlic 

  • 1 tbsp dijon mustard

  • 3 tbsp cider or white wine vinegar

  • 3 tbsp lemon juice 

  • 1/2 tsp table salt


Add to a small processor and blitz. Makes about 550ml and lasts for for 7 days in the fridge.

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