Soup, Vegan, Vegetarian Jane Lawson Soup, Vegan, Vegetarian Jane Lawson

Spicy Mexican soup

Winter-warming soup that is so good with grated cheddar or crumbled feta. Add extra harissa or dried chill for more spice and eat with homemade tortilla chips, or cheese on toast.


Serves 6

  • 1 large onion, finely chopped

  • 2 red peppers, quartered and sliced 

  • 3 small cloves garlic, chopped finely 

  • 3 carrots, chopped

  • 1 tsp ground cumin  

  • ½ tsp ground coriander

  • 1 tsp harissa, ground blend or paste

  • 250g red lentils, rinsed really well  

  • 2 x 400g tinned tomatoes

  • 400ml coconut milk 

  • 1 x 400g tin black beans

  • 1 tsp sea salt 

  • Juice of ½ lemon

  • Handful chopped fresh coriander, optional

  • Handful of grated cheddar or any other cheese

  • Blob of Greek yoghurt


  • Heat 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil in a large pan and fry the onions, peppers and carrots gently for 10 minutes.

  • Next add the garlic, stirring well. Cook for about a minute.

  • Now add the harissa and ground spices, stir well to warm through and release flavours.

  • Next add the rinsed lentils, tinned tomatoes, coconut milk.

  • Simmer for 15 minutes, then add the black beans, plus water. Cook for another 15 minutes, but add a little extra water if needed.

  • Next stir in the salt, lemon juice and coriander if using

  • Serve with a blob of Greek yoghurt - coconut for vegan option

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Soup, Vegetarian Jane Lawson Soup, Vegetarian Jane Lawson

Leek, potato & white bean stew

Is it a stew, or is it a soup?! Well, I’ve gone with stew, but either way, here’s a nice hearty dish to try out now it’s getting a bit colder. I mean, cheese and potatoes - what’s not to like!? I can even get the kids to eat this with lots of cheddar or parmesan on top. It goes without saying that they pick the kale out though! Eating plenty of potatoes is a great way to feed your gut with prebiotics to encourage diversity in your microbiome. So what you waiting for? Get cooking!


Serves 6

  • 25g butter

  • 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

  • 1.2kg potatoes, peeled 2cm cubes

  • 2 sticks celery, chopped finely

  • 2 large leek, halved 1cm slices

  • 2 garlic cloves, grated

  • ½ stock cube (I use Kallo veggie low salt) + 1l boiling water

  • 1 parmesan rind, optional

  • 1 x 400g tin cannellini beans (or any you prefer)

  • 2 handfuls of chopped kale (tough stalks removed)

  • 1 tbsp dijon mustard

  • ½ tbsp apple cider vinegar

  • 1 tsp sea salt

  • A good grind of black pepper

  • A handful of grated extra mature cheddar or parmesan and parsley to serve



  • Melt the butter and then add the oil, warming for a minute.

  • Fry the potatoes gently for 15 minutes and then add the leeks and celery, cooking for a further 15 minutes.

  • Add the garlic, stir well and cook for a further few minutes.

  • Add the stock, parmesan rind and cannellini beans, simmering with the lid on for 25 minutes.

  • Add the kale and cook for 5 minutes or until soft.

  • Next add the mustard , vinegar, salt and black pepper, stirring well.

  • Serve in bowls with a big handful of cheddar or parmesan, plus herbs if you’re using them.

  • A wedge of warm sourdough and salted butter is also divine with this stew.


  • A note about stock - if I’m using a cube then I always increase the recommended amount of water (usually I double it), otherwise you end up tasting the stock cube rather than it being a savoury back note. In this recipe I have kept the stock ratio very low as it would dominate the delicate flavour of the leeks.

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Soup, Vegan Jane Lawson Soup, Vegan Jane Lawson

Courgette & spinach soup

I actually had no recipe plan today, just a need for an energy boost, so finding several courgettes and a bag of spinach that needed eating I decided to make a soup. I also had some homemade chicken bone broth ready and waiting in the fridge too, which makes my version of the recipe non-veggie, but you could easily substitute with vegetable stock.


Makes about 1.4L, or 4-5 servings)

  • 4 courgettes, sliced

  • 1/2 clove garlic, grated

  • 1.5L Chicken, or vegetable stock

  • Handful of parsley, extra to garnish

  • 100g spinach

  • Seasoning


Courgette & spinach soup.JPG


  • Get a large saucepan and add a couple of big glugs of olive oil. Add the sliced courgettes and fry gently for around 15 minutes, or until soft. Some might be slightly browned, but that's fine, it'll add extra flavour.

  • Once the courgettes are cooked, add the grated garlic and stir, cook for a couple of minutes.

  • Next pour in the stock and bring to the boil, then reduce to a simmer and add the spinach.

  • Cook for 5 minutes, then add a handful of parsley, including the stalks.

  • Blend using a food processor, or a hand-held.

  • Sprinkled on some thinly sliced chilli, plus some extra parsley leaves to finish if you have some. Season.

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Soup, Vegan Jane Lawson Soup, Vegan Jane Lawson

Squash and cumin soup with croutons, pumpkin & cumin seeds

This is one of my all time favourite soups as I love roasted squash; it’s lightly spiced and finished with fresh herbs and crunchy seeds.


Makes about 2.5L

  • 1 butternut squash, chopped into large chunks

  • 1 medium sweet potato, whole unpeeled

  • 2 onions, chopped roughly

  • 3 tsp ground cumin

  • 1.5 tsp salt

  • 1.6L vegetable, or chicken stock

  • Pumpkin seeds & cumin seeds, toasted gently in a frying pan - a small sprinkle on each bowl

  • Handful of fresh coriander leaves



  • Firstly buy yourself a decent peeler as it will make the job of peeling the squash so much easier!

  • Heat the oven to 190ºC

  • Place the squash on a roasting tray (you may need to use two to avoid overcrowding the squash which will make it steam, not roast) and drizzle with olive oil, season.

  • Sprinkle over a teaspoon of cumin and rub into the squash. Put the sweet potato on the tray as well.

  • Place the tray/s into the oven and roast for 45 minutes, or until the squash is soft and has browned a bit at the edges.

  • In a large pan heat a couple of glugs of olive oil and fry the onions gently for about 10 minutes.

  • Add the rest of the cumin and grated garlic and fry for a couple of minutes to cook through.

  • When the squash is ready, add to the pan with the onions and pour over the stock. Heat it through.

  • Peel the sweet potato using your fingers and add to the pan.

  • Either blend using a hand-held, or transfer to a food processor for a smoother texture.

  • Toast a few pumpkin seeds and cumin seeds in a pan for 2-3 minutes and sprinkle over the soup with some coriander.


  • Keep the ends of sourdough loaves as they make brilliant croutons. Just chop into bite sized pieces, place on a tray and drizzle with enough olive oil to coat fairly evenly, but don't drown them!

  • Cook in the oven for about 10 minutes at 180ºC, turning half way through.

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Soup, Vegan Jane Lawson Soup, Vegan Jane Lawson

Moroccan chickpea soup with cavolo nero

I love a winter soup and this one ticks all the boxes for me; it's super healthy, hearty and full of flavour. I like to make a big batch when I'm making soup, as I always freeze a few portions for easy meals on days I just don't have time to cook.

I love a hearty soup and this one is a firm favourite. I like to make a big batch as I have done here so I can freeze a few portions for easy meals on days I just don't have time to cook.

This recipe is for a big pan of about 3 litres, but if you don't want to make that much, or haven't the freezer space then just scale if down, halve the quantities and make a smaller batch to keep in the fridge for a few days. 

Moroccan lentil soup.jpg


  • 4 medium onions, halved and finely sliced

  • 2 large carrots

  • 1 large clove garlic, grated or finely chopped

  • 1 tsp cumin

  • 1 tsp ground coriander

  • 1 tsp sweet smoked paprika or pimento

  • 1 tsp dried chilli flakes

  • 300g red lentils, rinsed in cold water

  • 400g tin tomatoes

  • 1.5 litres vegetable stock, fresh or a Kallo low salt cube

  • 1 roasted (unpeeled) sweet potato, peeled and mashed

  • 2 tbsp tomato puree

  • 1 1/2 tsp Maldon sea salt, or similar

  • Handful of cavolo nero / kale / spinach or whatever greenery you prefer!

  • 1 tin 400g chickpeas, drained

  • Sprinkle of chopped parsley, to taste

  • Blob of sour cream in each bowl


  • Get a large saucepan and heat a few gulgs of olive oil before adding the onions and carrots. Cook gently for around 10-15 minutes or until softened.

  • Grate in the garlic and cook for a couple of minutes.

  • Next add all the dry spices and stir into the vegetables, allow to heat through for a further 2 minutes.

  • Add the lentils, stir to coat in the spices then add all the stock, plus the tinned tomatoes and tomato puree. Simmer for 20 minutes with the lid on.

  • Add the sweet potato - mash and stir it in, this will disappear to give a lovely sweetness and will thicken the soup.

  • Season with the salt and then add the chickpeas and cavolo nero, kale or spinach, cooking for a further 5 minutes.

  • Sprinkle with parsley and add a nice big blob of sour cream.


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