Vegan, Sweet Jane Lawson Vegan, Sweet Jane Lawson

almond & coconut energy balls

These are so great as a pre or post-workout snack, but to be honest I love them at any time of the day - even after dinner as a healthy sweet treat in the evening. I make bigger ones to eat after exercise and smaller to have as a cheeky sweet hit. They're dead easy to make as all you do it put the ingredients in a food processor and blend until they become a sticky mass! 

These raw vegan balls are packed with almond nut protein and have a high vitamin content from the dates, coconut and raw cacao; each one of the 5 ingredients in this recipe is full of essential nutrients. You literally can't go wrong eating these! I haven't come across anyone who doesn't love them.

Nutrition facts:

Almonds are high fibre and contain antioxidants such as vitamin E that may protect against cell damage by free radicals, which are molecules that cause oxidative stress and inflammation. Free radicals are highly reactive and unstable molecules produced by normal metabolic processes in the body, as well as external sources such as poor diet, smoking, alcohol, and pollution. Almonds are very high in vitamin E, which has been linked to a lower risk of heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease, and magnesium, which can support muscle function, sleep, healthy blood pressure, and blood sugar regulation.

Dates contain natural sugars, but also provide many nutrients, so they aren’t empty calories like confectionary. They are high in antioxidants (which reduce cell-damaging free radicals and the harmful effects of LDL cholesterol on arteries), fiber, and minerals that support bone health, such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium.

Coconut also contains antioxidants and is low in carbohydrate, but high in fat, which may help to regulate blood sugar along with its high fibre content. The main fats in coconut are medium-chain triglycerides, which are metabolised quickly by the body so can support weight loss, and also may enchance cognitive function.

Coconut is high in manganese which is associated with the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and cholesterol and bone strength/density.

Cacao is the unprocessed form of cocoa and is high in flavonoid antioxidants and may help to improve healthy cholesterol levels. Anandamide in cacao may also trigger the release of dopamine which is associated with drive and energy.

coconut:cacao balls.jpg


  • 100g almonds

  • 100g desiccated coconut, plus 10g reserved to coat the balls

  • 400g dates

  • 2 1/2 tbsp almond butter

  • 4 tbsp cacao


  • Put the almonds in the mixer first and whizz into a fine crumb.

  • Next add the coconut and do the same.

  • Add the nut butter, cacao and then the dates one at a time to prevent them clogging the blades.

  • Roll into whatever size balls you fancy.

  • Coat the balls in coconut but putting some in a shallow bowl or tub and shake them around 2-3 at a time.


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Vegan, Sweet Jane Lawson Vegan, Sweet Jane Lawson

Super seed coconut energy balls

In the interests of healthy snacking I decided to make these today. I’ve noted how you can switch the ingredients to work with what you have in the cupboard, so you can make your own version.


Makes 24 falafel sized balls

  • 400g dates (or 350g dates / 150g apricots as I needed to use them up)

  • 50g sunflower seeds (or any other nut)

  • 50g pumpkin seeds (ditto)

  • 100g desiccated coconut (or nuts)

  • 4 tbsp cacao (or coco powder - I think - never tried it but can’t see why not!)

  • 2 tbsp coconut oil

  • 2 tbsp peanut butter (or any nut butter, smooth or crunchy)

Super seed & coconut balls.jpg


  • Put the seeds into the food processor and blitz, before adding all the other ingredients, except the dates.

  • Turn on the processor and add the dates one at a time - I’ve found this is the best way of avoiding clogging up the blades. Mix until you have a smooth thick paste.

  • Use a mini ice cream scoop to measure out if you have one, and shape the balls as you press them into desiccated coconut.

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