Salads, Vegan Jane Lawson Salads, Vegan Jane Lawson

Winter salad with Stilton & pecans

I know I’m a little early with a Winter salad as we’re not quite there yet, but I wanted to share this recipe that I made for my December supper club guests last year. I just remade it for lunch today to double check the recipe and I ploughed through both plates I was enjoying it that much!

Although the recipe has Stilton in, you could easily make a plant-based version of this salad as the dressing is vegan; to make it creamy I’ve used silken tofu rather than egg yolk or a cow’s milk product. I actually find it a little less sickly than a regular ‘mayo’ style dressing as it’s lower in fat. Obviously you’d need to sub the Stilton and I would either add extra pecans, toasted cashews or use a vegan cheese.

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  • *A note about the dressing: the recipe makes double the amount you need for this salad. The reason I have done this is that silken tofu is usually sold in boxes weighing 300-350g, so I created a recipe to use it all up rather than leaving half a packet to go off in the fridge! I really like silken tofu in ramen or miso soup, but I don’t make them that regularly, so rather than risk wasting the other half, I prefer to make a big tub of dressing that can be used with other things. It lasts a good 10 days (if not longer). Just think of it as of vegan mayo and use it in place of ‘normal’.

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Serves 4 as a starter or side

  • 1/2 sweetheart cabbage

  • 50g sprouts

  • 50g curly kale

  • 15g parsley, roughly chopped

  • A good pinch of sea salt

  • 70g stilton or gorgonzola, crumbled or chopped in 1cm cubes

  • 45g pecans

  • I small apple, chopped in 1cm cubes



  • I packet of silken tofu (300-350g)

  • 140ml olive oil

  • 1 small garlic clove 

  • 1 tsp dijon mustard

  • 2.5 tbsp cider or white wine vinegar

  • 3 tbsp lemon juice (approx 1.5 lemons)

  • 1/2 tsp table salt


  • Preheat the oven to 120ºc.

  • Spread the pecans on a baking tray and toast for about 6-8 minutes - keep an eye on them, I’ve lost count of the amount of nuts I’ve burnt. (That sounds a bit wrong now I’ve written it down.)

  • Finely shred the cabbage and sprouts using a sharp knife, mandolin or a food processor (slicing attachment).

  • Cut the tough stems from the kale and chop the leaves finely; mix all the vegetables and parsley in a large bowl with a good pinch of sea salt.

  • Make the dressing by blending all the ingredients in a food processor until creamy. Depending on the weight of your silken tofu you might need to add a little extra oil/vinegar to loosen the mix. The texture should be thick, but just pourable, like a slightly runny mayo.

  • Break the cooled pecans into small pieces and add to the vegetables reserving about 1/3 for topping the salad.

  • Same for the cheese, add to the bowl and keep a 1/3 to one side.

  • Lastly chop the apple into 1cm cubes, add to the bowl and mix well, before pouring in 160ml of the dressing.

  • Stir well to coat and then serve, topping each plate with extra stilton and nuts.

This is how thin I like the veggies to be shredded

This is how thin I like the veggies to be shredded


  • If you want to prep this ahead, then get all the components ready and keep them in separate air tight boxes; mix just before serving. The apple will need a squeeze of lemon to prevent it from oxidising and going brown, or you can chop at the last minute.

  • Keeping the various ingredients separate until serving is a trick I use for lots of salads. This means I can get organised earlier in the day and I don’t have much to do when friends arrive for dinner. It also works well to keep a salad fresh if you’ve prepped a batch for lunches during the week.

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