Energising strawberry smoothie

I know I always say it, but this is my new favourite breakfast smoothie!! I probably should say, this is my latest smoothie obsession…. loving the strawberry for a change as I haven’t had any in the freezer for a while.

By the way, I always use frozen fruit in smoothies as it naturally chills the drink and is way cheaper than buying fresh. I also freeze all my brown bananas that no one will touch, so they don’t ever get wasted anymore. I added a medjool date for a little sweetness, but this is optional if you want a lower sugar drink. Personally I think it brings out the flavour of the strawberries though, so my advice is - chuck it in! Also, I always use plant milk in my smoothies, but you switch for cow’s if that’s what you have in or you prefer the taste. The same goes for all my smoothie recipes.

Anyway, hope you enjoy, it made me feel all cheery and spring-like today, along with my new green hoodie!

Energising strawberry.jpg


Serves 2

  • 160g frozen strawberries

  • 60g frozen banana

  • 1 tbsp chia seeds

  • 420ml nut milk or organic whole

  • 1 medjool date, optional

  • 1 tbsp ground flaxseed, optional


  • Blitz really well, especially if you’re adding the date.




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