I think making houmous is a bit like homemade pesto. It's all a bit imprecise and down to personal taste. You can tweak both recipes to suit your tastes and there is no right, or wrong end result (within reason!), but here is my version.
Serves 6-8 as part of a mezze
1 x 400g tin chickpeas
1/2 clove garlic, minced
1 tsp fine sea salt
5 tbsp tahini
juice of 2 lemons
To finish: parsley, sprinkle of paprika, coriander, olive oil
This could not be more straightforward: place all the ingredients into a blender and whizz up until a smooth paste!
Decorate to look pretty once the hummus is in a bowl.
Serve with homemade pittas, crudités, or as part of a Moroccan feast.